Thriving in a Crisis – Commitment

In the third film in our mini-series on how teams can thrive in a crisis, Simon Coker looks at what leaders can do to make sure that their teams really buy into decisions. At a time when clarity and commitment are vital ingredients, this is a great skill to work on.

We are holding a free virtual workshop looking at “How teams can thrive in a crisis” on Tuesday 14th at 1.00 pm. We would love to have you there. You can register using this link:


Thriving in a Crisis – Conflict

“Conflict”- the second in our mini-series on how teams can thrive in a crisis. David Robertson looks at how leaders can encourage quality debate and drive engagement. Join us for our virtual workshop on April the 14th at 1.00 pm.

Click this link to register:

Need a Virtual Facilitator?


Contact: Wild Thinking to discuss your team and let us share virtual or face to face workshop approaches