Innovation Workshops

With members of our team from backgrounds in advertising, performing arts and product development, we understand how to help a group to boost its creativity. We know that there is a creative powerhouse lurking within all of us. All you need is the right environment to let it flow.

We design and facilitate powerful sessions that help open people’s eyes to new opportunities to think in new and exciting ways, make connections and ultimately align, focus and organise around value adding initiatives.

By helping groups to recognise the difference between open and closed modes of working – when to think differently and when to align and focus on moving things forward – our structured workshop approach will help to boost both creativity and the ability to implement innovative ideas.

We have experience of running a variety of innovation workshops, including:

What to expect

Everything we do is a fine balance between fun, facilitated learning and focus. You can expect:

Contact us now ( to discuss how we can help you to hold a real stand out Innovation Workshop