the wild thinking team


David Robertson, Wild Thinking Director
The founder of Wild Thinking, David is a performance coach and facilitator with international commercial experience. His first career saw him working at Director level, designing and managing international marketing campaigns for brands including IBM, American Express and American Airlines.  As a lead coach and facilitator he has built a reputation for helping to break down barriers by liberating energy and creativity, while also bringing a rigorous and disciplined approach to strategy and performance management. He is passionate about “Performance Leadership” – how you engage people to take active personal responsibility for the performance of an organisation.


Jillian Robertson, Wild Thinking Director
Jillian is a co-founder of Wild Thinking and the administrative and process hub of the business. The value we deliver for clients is built around consistent, rigorous performance development tools and she uses her management skills gained in graphic design agencies and with the Scottish Tourist Board to make sure that everything runs to plan. She recently completed studying with the OU and now holds a BSc (Hons) Social Psychology Degree.  This has broadened her skills and she has gained insights into why people behave the way they do.  She coordinates the profiling tools of Belbin, Everything DiSC and Five Behaviours and designs surveys for clients.



Nikki Tierney, Wild Thinking Coach and Facilitator
Nikki is a committed learning and development coach and facilitator, specialising in leadership and teams. Her combination of energy, insight and professional approach is engaging and productive. She helps people work together effectively to solve problems and deliver work. This spans a broad spectrum, including training, development & instructional design; running consultations, reviews and workshop facilitation; and in-depth consultancy on organisational performance. Nikki has a diverse portfolio, working with organisations in the private, public and third sector.  Recent clients include Worley, Sulzer, OPITO, CGIAR, Wangeningen University & Research, Scottish Government, Glasgow Life Museums, and Scottish Chamber Orchestra.

Lou Webb
Lou has been involved in the development and delivery of numerous training and facilitation projects in the oil & gas industry (both on and offshore) and has been bosiet trained for the last 10 years (including the CA-EBS update). She has had the privilege of delivering in Holland, Norway, Dubai, India, Singapore and Perth WA, as well as Aberdeen, Barrow, Norwich and Great Yarmouth. Programmes focus on the core aspects of behavioural safety, namely: safety culture, safety leadership and positive intervention. She has also conducted extensive diagnostics for oil and gas companies around the world to assess their levels of service quality and safety. Organisations Lou has worked with include Spirit Energy, Shell, Petrofac, Conoco Phillips, Centrica, Halliburton, Apache, Enquest and Subsea 7. She has also worked extensively in the construction and rail industry.