Enjoying the Festival without the Circus


Summer is firmly upon us. You only need to look out of the window for evidence of this. OK, so dependent on your locale this maybe easier to recognise in some places rather than others.

Regardless, though, of the day’s weather as you read this, it won’t stop the annual hopes that you actually see your fair share of nice days. Allowing you to get out of the workplace and enjoy some pleasant time outdoors.

With this in mind, we got to thinking that one of the explosions on to the summer scene in recent times has been the music festival. They have always been around of course, but their popularity has certainly boomed lately. No longer is it just Glastonbury leading the way. They range large and small from the Isle of Wight festival in the south to T in the Park in the north of this little island. Now whether you are the type to actually up sticks and go and live in a tent for a long weekend of music and mud is another matter altogether. It’s the sheer scale of organisation behind the scenes and the number of events going on throughout the length and breadth of the UK that is really impressive.

The overlaps with modern business are plain to see. The ongoing challenge of integrating revolving bands and acts can be likened to your business adapting to the arrival of new team members. Everyone has to feel their way into different cultures, where the need to reach high performance quickly is never going to be far away.

Things need to be thought out in advance, with careful planning and co-ordination going on in so many ways that are rarely seen front of house.

  • Any disruptions to overall production need to be avoided as no one wants angry revellers or disappointed customers.
  • Plus there will always be someone whose job it is to keep one eye on next year, to make sure the merry-go-round never stops.
  • Ensuring you have an effective team framework in place to aid best possible outcomes, as well as providing focused goal setting, is what we at Wild Thinking do.

So talk to us today about how you can benefit from individually crafted workshops, overseen by our experienced facilitators and make sure you keep the show successfully on the road.