3 Easy Steps to building a High Performance Culture

Performance culture

It stands to reason that the happier and more engaged your workforce is the better the results they will deliver.

Achieving a high performance culture in your business will not happen by accident. It takes conscious effort to both create and maintain, but never fear, help is at hand.

Here are Wild Thinking’s 3 easy steps to get you going:

Step 1 – Get aligned

  • Understand firstly what your current culture looks like. Wild Thinking’s Team Wheel will help you see your culture in sharp focus – the good, the bad and the ugly.
  • Then, get your key people around the table and decide:

– Why we need to change?

– How will everyone be rewarded for pulling together?

– How do we want to see our values brought to life?

– How would we like to see people behaving?

Step 2 – Focus on big wins

  • Agree on the key changes that are going to deliver the culture you need.
  • Tackle no more than three changes in any given year, as this will ensure you stay focussed and retain your energy and enthusiasm

Step 3 – Keep it real

  • Don’t try to change your culture as a standalone project. People will quickly lose interest.
  • Instead, identify key business improvement opportunities and work these in tandem with your culture change activity. This will keep it real and based in tangible business results.
  • Regular health checks are a brilliant way of keeping things on track.

How do you keep a High Performance Culture going?

Simple, go straight back to Step 1 and repeat regularly! Plus, make sure you welcome, listen to, digest and respond to all feedback.

Wild Thinking specialises in designing and delivering team development performance programmes that help people work more effectively together.  Why not get in touch to find out more.