The Five Behaviors for Virtual Teams


Are your teams struggling right now with in-person training on hold? People and organisations everywhere are trying to adjust to their new normal of working remotely, and it’s a serious challenge for many. But the reality is, without effective teamwork and cohesion, success may be out of reach.

To help support your business during difficult times, we’ve partnered with Patrick Lencioni to introduce a new way to bring The Five Behaviors Personal Development virtually to you.  It’s called The Five Behaviors® for Virtual Teams learning experience!

What is The Five Behaviors® for Virtual Teams?

The Five Behaviors for Virtual Teams is a learning experience extension of The Five Behaviors Personal Development Solution with the goal to help learners develop the critical skills and behaviors to work effectively with others in the virtual workplace. The learning experience has three key components, here is how it works:

1. Complete The Five Behaviors Personal Development assessment. Each participant will start by purchasing and completing the assessment to better understand their strengths and challenges within the Five Behaviors model for teamwork.

  2. Watch “The Five Behaviors for Virtual Teams,” with Patrick Lencioni. You’ll hear Pat’s unique insights on the challenges teams are currently facing and the behaviors needed to work together effectively. Dr. Mark Scullard introduces The Five Behaviors for Virtual Teams learning experience and connects for learners the key ideas that Pat introduces.

  3. Wild Thinking will deliver the new 90-minute Personal Development virtual facilitation as a follow-up training. Deliver this facilitation after watching the virtual event with Pat.  You will walk away with an understanding of how to apply key principles from The Five Behaviors model to virtual teamwork that can be customised to your organisation’s needs.

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