“What helps people,
helps business.”
Leo Burnett
If you have been to one, you will know what makes a great off-site event, workshop or conference! People are energised, there is a creative, collaborative buzz in the air, fun is being had, decisions are being made and good work is being done. You might be able to create this kind of environment yourself, but if you want to make sure that your vital meeting is a success, and be able to take part fully yourself without worrying about the detail, then working with a Wild Thinking facilitator is the answer.
The Wild Thinking facilitation style is graphic, creative and colourful, while at the same time focused and structured around creating clarity and usable outputs.
Working with Wild Thinking for your next off-site event will allow you to concentrate on the content and the people who you are inviting, with the knowledge that you have a partner on board who will be there to take care of the process. It is our role to understand your objectives and create and facilitate an event that will seamlessly deliver the outcomes you want.
We offer the following:
• Advice on venue selection and logistics
• Agenda and process design
• Preparation of materials
• Pre-session engagement with key participants
• Fun and challenging energisers and team building activities
• Powerful facilitation tools including World Café, Open Space Technology, Pinpoint and creative brainstorming,
visioning, real time coaching and problem solving
• Impactful follow-up Wild Thinking Folios to re-enforce the off-site event
view success stories
• Enquest Stena Spey DWOP