

Your people need you to make empowerment happen!

Empowerment is at the core of many of the great corporate success stories, but where does it come from? What are the conditions that allow it to flourish and importantly what is the role of leaders in making it happen?

In a recent article in The Guardian, Karen Lynas of the NHS Leadership Academy argues passionately that the NHS should be spending less on Management Consultants and more on staff development training.

She believes that development training would help to empower their staff to solve their own problems and in doing so would allow NHS leaders to tap in to the diverse talents they already have and create a real sense of engagement and ownership.

It is important to recognise that empowerment takes conscious effort. There is no point in just saying “OK team, you are empowered – go to it!” Unless the core leadership skills are there and expectations are clear, then this approach could seriously backfire.

Wild Thinking helps organisations to create truly empowered working environments, where less of the “thinking” needs to be outsourced to consultants and staff are able to seize the initiative and sort things out for themselves.

Our empowerment based leadership programme STRETCH helps leaders to make empowerment happen by:

– Igniting passion around a sense of common purpose
– Building trust
– Getting people actively “owning” the quality of what they do
– Giving people the confidence and support to take responsibility for themselves


No-one knows your business better than your staff, so why not give them the support that they need to take responsibility for themselves? One thing is sure – they will thank you for it!

We’ve made a short film available on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WZ_bAB4obw) that talks you though the basics. So why not call us on 01540 661 502 to discuss how STRETCH could make a difference in your organisation.